Bhagwan Rajneesh Quotes on Contemplation (3 Quotes)

    If there is pain, use it as an awareness, as meditation, as a sharpening of the soul. And when pleasure is there, use it as a droning, as a forgetfulness. Both are ways to reach God. One is to remember yourself totally, and one is to forget yourself totally.

    Mind is really a tape recorder. But it is not continuously on, not twenty-four hours on. When needed, the witness, the man of meditation, the man of awareness, is capable of putting the mind on or off. He puts it on when there is some need....

    You must learn to work without me. You cannot be here always, you have other works to do. You have come from different countries all over the world. For a few days you will be here with me. If you become addicted to my physical presence, then rather than being a help, it may become a disturbance. Because then when you go away, you will miss me. Your meditation should be such here, that it can happen without my presence. Then, wherever you go, the meditation will not in any way be affected.

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