Bill Bradley Quotes on Time (14 Quotes)

    For a long time, I operated under the Chinese proverb that there are four kinds of leaders: those who you laugh at, those who you hate, those who you love and those who you don't even know that they're leaders.

    If now is not the time to address the needs of the 44 million uninsured Americans 11 million of them children when is

    Today, at a time of unparalleled prosperity, I look out over a nation and I see that nearly one-fifth of our children are ill-fed, ill-house, and ill-educated,

    This is the civil rights issue of our time, ... It is no longer blocking schools. It is having the justice department in this country finally providing equal justice for all.

    He has misrepresented my healthcare plan time after time after time, and I called him on it,

    At a time of peace ... I see nearly 14 million of our children who are being denied their chance to live the American dream. This is not acceptable,

    I think that the far right has gone too far, time after time after time on social issues and has tried to dominate the debate in this country, ... I would be very emphatic in saying that religion should not be a part of politics.

    If only Bradley's minor heart problem hadn't surfaced just at the time of the Iowa vote, then resurfaced in the New York Times the Sunday before New Hampshire when we were coming on strong.

    The challenge of this time is to take our unprecedented prosperity and turn it to the benefit of those left behind, ... That's what (kind) of leadership is required in this country.

    By the time we get to February 1, people will know who I am, what I believe, what I'm for, and what I would like to do if I were president,

    I think that any time a president lies, he undermines his own authority and squanders the people's trust.

    The Confederate flag that flies over the capitol of this state was flown for over a century in defense of slavery and segregation. It divides us at a time when we must forward together into the new millennium, and for a future of decency and justice, it must be taken down,

    We live in a time when, on a basic level, politics is broken.

    Can we in a time of unprecedented prosperity afford to dream big dreams again ... Can we afford to create a new politics in America That's the question that the people have to decide in this election.

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