Bill Clinton Quotes on Sense & Perception (5 Quotes)

    I sat down and I said 'you know, this AIDS thing doesn't make any sense.' We've got generic AIDS drugs, you've got all this money floating around, why is nobody getting treatment

    I am gratified by what we've achieved here, ... But I hope you leave here with a sense of humility and a sense of how much better we can do.

    We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together, or the American Dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other American.

    We depend on Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Korea primarily to basically loan us money every day of the year to cover my tax cut and these conflicts and Katrina. I don't think it makes any sense.

    I think that, in a larger sense, there are millions of people all across America that are the children of Martin and Coretta King, whose whole lives were shaped by their passion for people, opportunity and justice, and their commitment to nonviolent change and by not being discouraged in the face of repeated disappointment.

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