Bill Cowher Quotes on Youth (4 Quotes)

    We have a young quarterback who didn't play young today. ... He's much more mature than his age would indicate.

    I don't look at him as a young quarterback, to be honest. He's been doing this for two seasons. To me, he has earned that trust.

    Our young quarterback didn't play young. He's much more mature than his age would indicate. He's very much in control. Ben's very composed. He's got a great feel for the game. He's got a lot of self-confidence. This kid has been successful all his life.

    He's still a young quarterback, ... He's going to continue to grow. He's probably going to have setbacks. That's part of the process. We're trying to get the timing down. But my biggest concern with him is that he doesn't put the pressure on himself, doesn't beat himself up too much.

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