Bill Fennelly Quotes (67 Quotes)

    There's no question we've played better when we've played man. Right now it's easier to chase a person than to rotate the way we expect them to rotate in our zone.

    It's almost March. It's time to start making them.

    It would be a phenomenal upset for us to go real deep in this tournament. The conference tournaments were created to make money and give teams hope. The Big 12 can make the money, and we'll have the hope.

    We challenged Heather pretty hard in practice the other day, and to her credit she stepped in and made some huge shots.

    They're a team that understands how to win. We needed to make one more play to get the game closer. We just didn't have enough of the extra plays that we have to make to have a chance to win.

    This time of year, the aesthetics of the game don't really matter to me. We won the game a number of times, we lost the game a number of times. We made the plays when we had to.

    It was probably a miracle we were in the game at halftime.

    Brit's waited five years. That's almost unheard-of for someone to do that. She's played like an all-conference player.

    I don't think that there is any question that balanced scoring and taking care of the basketball on the road gives you a chance to win.

    I thought we had a lot more open looks at the basket than we did the other night (against Texas Tech) when you don't make shots, it's impossible to win games.

    We won the game a bunch of times, we lost the game a bunch of times but we made some plays when we had to.

    I was going to wait a little more before I put Brit back in, but coach Easley said we can't wait.

    I'm not going to say she's the best guard in the country, but there's no way I'd trade anybody for her. You want your point guard to impact winning, and I don't know how you can impact (a game) any more than she did tonight.

    We're playing hard we're scratching, we're fighting and I thought we defended really, really solid. Offensively we're really, really struggling right now.

    I couldn't be more proud of the effort of our team. That was as gutsy an effort as we've had in a long time. It was a tremendous effort, tremendous finish and we're honored to be playing again tomorrow.

    Getting involved in recruiting at an early age is part of the process now. I think young people are more attuned than ever before because they're playing organized basketball at a younger age.

    We have the most phenomenal fan base in the country. To have a crowd like this show up and support our team says a lot about what Iowa State is about.

    It's always tough to lose, but at the same time I think our kids showed a little bit of something we were looking for. (They showed) a competitive spirit.

    I guess it's appropriate that we end like this we just couldn't find a way to make a shot when we needed to. We had a lot of great looks at the basket, but that's something we've struggled with all year, making shots.

    It's an exciting schedule, especially for the people coming to Hilton to watch.

    When you look at the landscape of the college game and compare her to any point guard in the country, she stacked up pretty well. Point guards are defined by running the offense and distributing the ball, and if you're No.1 in the country, that's a great season.

    I thought we were a little intimidated inside. They were guarding us one-on-one and daring us to go to the basket. We missed way too many inside shots.

    We're going to have a lot of people get an opportunity early to see if they can handle this level.

    You can't be the leader just when you want to be the leader. You have to be the leader all the time.

    She had a very good understanding of what the game needed, whether it was about the media, recruiting reform, whatever. She had a great sense of timing for what the game needed.

    In my 11 years, I don't know that our team has been that efficient in any four-minute stretch it was amazing. That's the same team that limped to halftime with 25 (points). Every decision was the right one for four minutes.

    I don't think anybody feels sorry for Texas. They have a great environment, great tradition, a Hall of Fame coach. Look at their roster. I don't think there's a coach in our league (who) wouldn't take any player off that team.

    They're solid everywhere. No one is going to say they're great at anything, but they're good at every phase of the game. They have a system that works.

    The way we've approached it is we're playing the No. 9 team in the country this year. It's a great team, a team that has some new faces, but it's the same approach - very athletic, they defend great.

    In the time I've been here, I don't know if there's ever been a story like it. You're talking about someone who literally waited five years to play, five years to be a factor. She didn't give up on herself or her team.

    We're playing hard. I thought we rebounded and defended hard. But offensively, we're really struggling.

    I don't know if I can make it that long. Will my son be a good head coach Absolutely, positively there is no doubt in my mind that he will be a good coach.

    My thought process from the beginning has been, let's see if we can get enough wins to be in the postseason, and then go from there. We just don't have the consistency and the depth of talent to be able to say that these games are wins and these games are maybes. We've literally got to take it one game at a time.

    The main thing is, it can't be a first-round knockout. I don't know that there's a more focused, motivated team in the country right now. They're 0-2 in the league and they've lost three in a row. They've played a brutal schedule. I'm sure they're not happy with where they are.

    We've made a big stride in the last 10 days, and there's a lot of things that can still happen to this team in a lot of ways. You're 6-6 (in the Big 12) with four games to go. This is when it gets fun.

    That would be the plan. Any minutes she could give would be good just to give people a rest.

    The only person in the program that is allowed to think about or talk about Oklahoma is (assistant head) coach (Jack) Easley because he's scouting them. We've got to get to 9-2 and win this tournament.

    I don't know of any other state in the country with a small population where this happens.

    We always want to do what is best for our fans, and I know a number of them want to see the national championship game. I hope this allows them to come support us in our Big 12 opener against an outstanding Oklahoma team and also see the football game.

    That's a great sense of the fans we have. They care so much about the kids that they know Megan's struggling, and they want to help her.

    No question we lost a lot of things. Experience, leadership, points, and rebounds. But that's the nature of college basketball.

    They have a tremendous amount of weapons. We don't match up with them physically, but they're a tough team for a lot of people to defend, not just us.

    At this point in the season, aesthetics doesn't mean a lot to me. We won the game a number of times and we lost the game a number of times.

    The last 7 or 8 minutes, the players willed themselves to play with an amazing amount of energy. We made some huge shots and we guarded them at some critical times.

    They were switching on the perimeter, so we knew we'd have a tough time getting a 3-point shot off. We still had enough time to get a basket and free throw.

    Right now, it's the old shoot-not-to-miss syndrome and passing up shots. We've emphasized that you don't pass up shots if you miss, you miss. We've had a hard time scoring, but it's never been because of our inability to make a shot.

    I think this team would like to keep playing. I think they leave here (Dallas) disappointed, but at the same time with some renewed enthusiasm actually. I don't think this team's ready to quit.

    Sophia Young is the best player in our league, because she can impact the game on both ends of the court.

    Most of us won't wait five minutes. This kid waited five years to play.

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