Bill Fennelly Quotes on Time (10 Quotes)

    This time of year, the aesthetics of the game don't really matter to me. We won the game a number of times, we lost the game a number of times. We made the plays when we had to.

    I couldn't be more proud of the effort of our team. That was as gutsy an effort as we've had in a long time. It was a tremendous effort, tremendous finish and we're honored to be playing again tomorrow.

    You can't be the leader just when you want to be the leader. You have to be the leader all the time.

    In the time I've been here, I don't know if there's ever been a story like it. You're talking about someone who literally waited five years to play, five years to be a factor. She didn't give up on herself or her team.

    My thought process from the beginning has been, let's see if we can get enough wins to be in the postseason, and then go from there. We just don't have the consistency and the depth of talent to be able to say that these games are wins and these games are maybes. We've literally got to take it one game at a time.

    She will be one of the best players that's ever played in this league. She has been up to this point, and I don't think she will soon be forgotten. Her mark is going to be on the Big 12 for a long, long time.

    Our team played as well as we've played in a long time. Tonight we did everything we have to do to win.

    You don't feel good when you lose, and if you do, there's something wrong. At the same time, you've got to be realistic, and for our team to be down 19 points on the road and all the things that we were fighting through, I was proud that we just didn't say, 'It's time to chuck it in.' We did everything but that.

    She says she can, and everyone says she can play. There's no question we need her to play, but at the same time, she's had such a great year that I don't want to put her in a position where she's not ready.

    This was as good of a team effort as we've had in a long time. I'm very proud of them. This is not going to go down in history as an earth-shaking, dramatic top 10 win for Iowa State women's basketball, but I don't think you can tell the kids that and I don't think you can tell the coaches that. It was special.

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