Bill Ferguson Quotes (11 Quotes)

    This isn't the biggest contract we've ever had, but we're coming out of (bankruptcy protection) with some increases.

    This is the natural process for healing hurt. Hurt is just a feeling. When you allow the feeling to take its course, the feeling quickly comes and goes.

    I'm a big fan of Tom's. I was a great admirer of Mike Maloney, but Mike saw everything in black or white. I think Tom has a little more political savvy - not a lot, but a little - and he's been able to accomplish a lot more because of that.

    They're all about five years away from retirement and none of them wants to give it up.

    Every time you interact with someone, you will either create love or destroy love, and whatever you give will come right back.

    Any characteristic that you can't stand in another person is an aspect of you that you can't stand in yourself. Once you discover that this characteristic is also in you, your resistance towards the other person gets replaced with compassion.

    The thing about repressed memory is that its contagious,

    If you want to have love, you have to open your heart and give love.

    Trust is knowing that however life turns out, you will be fine.

    Our magazine isn't covering shuffleboard we're covering people who are still grabbing surfboards even though they're 60 or 70 or older. The people who've seen this magazine love it. Through word of mouth alone, we've already generated more than 7,000 sign-ups on our website.

    Purpose is the natural expression of who you are. It utilizes all your gifts and talents. It's your passion and you are very good at it. Life purpose is the very essence of you.

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