Bill Mitchell Quotes (8 Quotes)

    Part of our objective in creating the original reference design for the UMPC category was to engineer a platform that's both very compact and, through careful component choice, possible to sell for 500 MSRP.

    Dustin was in deep three times, but only converted once. He has to finish those against somebody as good as Cannon.

    The Origami project is really our first step toward achieving a big vision.

    I thank the members of the court and everyone else involved in the process. It was a particularly long process this year with a lot of new wrinkles.

    Certainly the tools of verification are better and more readily available than they were in the Janet Cooke era.

    A lot of the early engagement we have had has been with nontraditional PC vendors, although there is a lot of interest from traditional PC vendors as well. It ideally brings the best of what a Windows PC is and marries it to what the best of a very capable consumer electronic device is.

    I'm sure Cindy has said it, but we know what it feels like to lose a childto have a child killed in this war. And we are doing whatever we can to end it so quickly that no one else has to experience that same pain and devastation, the same upset in their lives....It doesn't so much matter whether I am out here speaking in the name of peace and my son's name or whether I'm out camping and having a good time, when I come home to my little four walls, my son is still dead. The death of any child is a devastating event for a parent. A piece of your heart dies when your child dies. So I just want to stop this. I don't want to hear about anybody else dying, American or Iraqi.

    As people use PCs to stay in touch, work together, manage music, store pictures and build customer relationships, they need the freedom and flexibility that smaller, more lightweight PC designs such as the UMPC offer.

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