Bob Berney Quotes (9 Quotes)

    When you want a company to stand for something that's outside the formula, Last Days is really the perfect film to start with,

    We had started a campaign down there, a couple of stories ran, but none of the reviews have appeared, so we'll probably be OK as awareness builds.

    I think by being an independent theatrical distributor, we're risk-takers by nature, because this business is so risky in general. We hope to keep finding new films and acknowledging new talents.

    The secret to a lot of these films is allowing the time for the movie to breathe a bit (in theaters),

    The idea that a lot of things can get out without marketing clout is not there. I think there are complications for the next several years, as we are still in a theatrically driven mode.

    Miramax started out as a film distributor and they were really smart in their acquisitions in the early years, ... I would hope that's what they're comparing us to.

    This is a stunning film both in its visuals and narrative. Guillermo is a master filmmaker and the ultimate film fan as well.

    O Brother, Where Art Thou I was really impressed hearing Meryl Streep belting out these songs.

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