Bob Smith Quotes (24 Quotes)

    These people the characters are throwing dice with fortune. They're gambling on their future, their liberty, everything.

    don't feel like CDOT is hearing them. It may be the Department of Transportation, but they still think like they're the Department of Highways.

    That's why there has been strong pressure for price increases due to natural gas cost increases.

    One of the challenges was to make the building tie into the existing campus. There's nothing like it in the entire Valley.

    Greg won't have to worry about kids who don't know how to handle a lacrosse stick yet.

    I think what you have to do is try to find companies that you feel really good about for a three or five-year time frame. And don't really worry too much about how stocks are reacting. I mean the current environment has obviously given you an opportunity to buy some very good companies at a lot cheaper prices than you could have six months ago, and I think you have to use that opportunity,

    They got a couple of good bounces. In the third period, we came out and flurried them shots. They were tired you could see it but we couldn't get it in the net.

    I want you to know that when I go into the booth next Tuesday I am going to cast my vote for you.

    The stolen lobsters will be a prize catch for someone. Whoever committed this crime knew what they were looking for.

    The public would be appalled to know that there are no regulations governing the funeral industry, no standards. We know the vast majority of funeral directors provide the appropriate standards, but you don't have to.

    I commute almost everyday. The main reason is that its fun, healthy, good for me and its good for the community, better for the air and less traffic.

    This readiness crisis didn't come out of nowhere. You and your predecessors presided over it.

    One of the things we've seen over the years is that historically our products have been viewed as a commodity item, we've been a necessary evil. But what's happening now is that homeowners are becoming more involved in the decision-making process of their homes.

    What are we going to do about winning the election Where are we going to turn to have a viable chance to win this election And a viable chance to win this election is coming up with a candidate that most people can agree on. Randy Daniels could be a compromise consensus candidate because he's not polarized on either side.

    He's a very powerful individual and a significant player.

    That's a tough team we went up against. I thought we played them even once we got past the first period. We gave up one late goal.

    In tech land, business is pretty bad.

    I thought he played like a senior should on his home court in game like this. We were patient, got rid of the ball well, that kid just hit a great shot, what can you say

    It's frustrating. You'd think there would be some clause (in the contract) that you would be relieved of some cost, but they had none. That's not common sense.

    I think we got away from, I think we got a lot away from being the fiscal conservative, individuals rights, less government, and I think we have to re-establish that franchise.

    We all feel this is so important to the public at large we'd like to see one in every community. We're extremely proud to have one here. It's just a gem in the Northeast Kingdom.

    It seems the lives of this beautiful family was out of a storybook, but it was all true, it all happened and, unfortunately, it's all over. In their short time they lived more life on this earth than most of us could do in 90 years.

    It was the firm that releases it each month to our Web site with instructions from us as to what time to release it, and it was released by that firm early.

    In the big picture I can't express how proud of my kids I am. We knew it probably would take a big number to win today and the guys battled each inning.

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