Bobby Carter Quotes (6 Quotes)

    Their pressure sped us up more than we like in the second period. We talked about it in practice, but players have to make the right decisions on the floor.

    Our approach to the game was good, but we needed to keep our turnovers down, and we had some breakdowns in that area. I thought that we got in and out of our defenses pretty well, but turnovers and missed free throws really hurt.

    I hate that we ended up with 71 boats, but we did the right thing. I can understand why a lot of guys didn't want to go. We've got a lot of custom-built boats that cost several million dollars (and fishermen) who just didn't want to risk it in 11- to 14-foot seas forecast for later in the weekend.

    I selected him because of his strong work ethic and his interest in the job. His reputation in New York was very good and he was highly thought of in this department.

    I was over in Orange Beach this past weekend and all people wanted to know was when was the Isle going to open. I've gotten calls at my home from Atlanta, Arkansas, Jacksonville, Fla., and Lafayette, La.

    Our approach to the game was good, and we did a good job of executing our offense at times, so there were some positives to take away from the game.

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