Brad Arnsberg Quotes (27 Quotes)

    He was huge. He was ridiculously important to the team. This guy went out and all of a sudden he jumps in and he expected to work into the seventh every night.

    He's had little flashes where he looks like a big-league pitcher again. But he knows his command is not where he wants it to be.

    He looked really good. As of right now, we're counting on him to make the start.

    I love it. I don't think he cares for it a whole lot, though. On that day, he said, 'I've pitched in front of 50,000 people before, but I've never been more nervous than I was that day I threw the bullpen.' He focused pretty good today. I've seen when there's been three times as many kids back there.

    I'm anxious to go out there and see him compete again. To see him get back out there against a Major League club is going to be fun to see. I think he's excited. We're all excited.

    He's coming along slowly. Tomorrow is the first day he is actually going to stretch it out.

    Once he does start airing it out a little bit he needs down time in between. Sometimes it's a longer road than anybody wants it to be.

    I didn't like the turn-back look. I'm so glad now to see him almost into what I would call a conventional delivery. I believe his ball-out-of-glove movement is a little more consistent, which is going to help. He's digging what we're doing already.

    You've got to guard him with kid gloves. We did that the first time and felt good.

    He threw threw the crap out of the ball in that pen. We have to wait to see how he is today, but right now I'd be very surprised if he doesn't make the start Saturday.

    He thought he might have felt whatever in the first inning and then in the second inning it just didn't come around.

    We have to let him make the calls from now on. It's up to him to accelerate his rate. We want it done right the first time.

    The cold has never entered my mind. Ideally, you would like it 80 degrees and sunny out, but you're not going to get that. Obviously, that day would be somewhat of a concern, but is it a concern right now Not really.

    He's a lot more conventional and a lot prettier to watch and he's really digging what we're trying.

    We didn't mix the split in, we're going to wait a couple of outings and let him air out before mixing in the split in outing three or four. We're guarding it with kid gloves right now.

    There's not any spots open in that bullpen, but he's got to understand what an integral part of this program he is. I've said to other guys, 'You're ready for the big leagues, but the big leagues aren't ready for you.' Hopefully he finds himself in that spot.

    We're not in the dumps. It's frustrating Roy will miss a start, exciting A.J. is on the mend.

    He threw 55 pitches at about 80, including his breaking ball. We hope to give him three innings Saturday.

    The only thing that bothered him a little bit is when they had him skip, just to put all the weight on it. That didn't go as well as he was hoping, but everything else was right up to par. ... As he said, 'When am I ever going to skip on the baseball field'

    He was outstanding. We're hoping for a rehab start next Tuesday or Wednesday. Today he looked good, threw all his pitches (about 65), looked strong.

    To be able to say 'Oh yeah, we knew this year was going to come,' I don't think anybody would go on-line and say that. He just continues to gain steam and he just gets better and better almost every outing. It really has been a pleasure to watch.

    He's still a day or two, in my opinion right now, away from being able to get up on the mound. I've got to be able to see him air it out on flat ground before I'd even think about putting him up on the mound. So I think he's still 48 hours from being able to make a real accurate decision about starting on Saturday.

    His confidence level is getting better and better, and that's a huge part of being a pitcher. I've seen guys with below-average stuff that actually go out there and look like they have above-average stuff because their confidence level tells them that. That's something that Brandon never really had last year.

    I'm very happy with the way he looked. He used all his pitches, which we were excited about, and he had good command from the start. It's a positive sign that dispels any concerns we may have had.

    He's a veteran arm guy. We're not dealing with an arm like we are with A.J. We're dealing with a knee and, as long as this thing doesn't bite on him again, I think we're hopefully pretty clear.

    (Hitters) know when guys are really cheesing it up there in the 98s, 97s, they know that, so they know how to get it ready a little bit earlier where they're cheating on fastballs.

    We've been talking about making an adjustment. We went to dinner a couple of nights and he wanted to work on it right then. He didn't want to wait. I was walking off the field and he decided he wanted to implement what we were talking about doing. Did it surprise me Maybe a little, because I didn't expect it this early. Am I pleased about it One hundred per cent.

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