Brad Smith Quotes on Business & Commerce (8 Quotes)

    This is a choice I have to make, but not one I want to make. Based on my current set of circumstances, I cannot devote the time I need to either coaching, my family and my business.

    Our industry is very dynamic and it's an important milestone to put the issues from the 1990s behind us.

    The 5,000th patent is a marker of the progress we have made in the past few years -- building a high-quality, innovative and industry-recognized portfolio. Through patents, we are able to license our technologies widely to others in the industry, increasing the availability of our innovations and getting beneficial solutions in the hands of customers.

    Individuals will not take full advantage of the Internet or any commercial medium if they believe that their information or data could be compromised or disclosed in unexpected ways.

    Our entire industry, especially in partnership with law enforcement, is able to move much more quickly and in a more sophisticated way today than was the case, say, two years ago, and that is certainly part of what made it possible to get to this point within two weeks.

    There's no capital investment in new drugs for fighting infectious disease. We need sustained investments in science and technology as a strategic security, just like the ones we've made in the aerospace industry, for instance.

    This is not only confusing for businesses, but it also leaves consumers unprotected. A single federal approach will create a common standard for protection that consumers and businesses can understand and count on.

    As we've seen organized criminal enterprises focusing on counterfeiting and taking it to the Internet, it is becoming an even more important problem for the industry and the company.

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