Brandon Stokley Quotes (10 Quotes)

    He always makes plays in clutch situations. Get on the board early, get the touchdown on the board, that was huge for us. It gave us confidence, it gave us momentum, and it seemed like we just fed off that.

    It breaks your heart to see something like that happen to such a great person. We're just going to pray for him and ask everybody else to pray for him.

    It makes things feel like you're back in the routine again. It's normal and, let's play football, let's focus on our job. It definitely does that.

    What separates him is how he respects you and how he cares for you off the field, not just on the field. When my son was in the hospital, he went out of his way to come and visit even after the season was over, when he didn't have to do that and when he was a busy man. That just showed a lot to me, what kind of person he is.

    It felt good. I'm sore today, and it feels good to be sore.

    The crowd helps you a lot, especially our defense. It helps them get off the snap a lot quicker, it makes the offense slower coming off the snap count. That just turns into sacks, fumbles, penalties, turnovers - all kinds of things. So it's really big.

    They kept us in the game early when we had a hard time getting in the end zone. They played great and we knew they would.

    Then, it was just a normal game. We knew that was the way it was going to be.

    I think we'll start thinking about 16-0 if we're 14-0 but that's a long way off. But home field, I think that's something you've got to start thinking about. You've got to understand what it means right now.

    He was great. He came to the hospital often, even after the season. Even after we lost to New England in the AFC championship game, he still showed up. I think that just shows you what kind of man he is.

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