Brian Barber Quotes (13 Quotes)

    We threw everything but the kitchen sink at him. He's very good off the dribble he can pop and shoot. We had trouble staying in front of him. He's just a phenomenal player.

    I'm not normal when I play that position. I'm normal after the game, but not during the game.

    I guarantee you can't find anyone in Danville who has spent more time in the gym than Lance.

    We finally got some shots going in the second half. I'd like to think we just ran out of time.

    Going to back to my youth league days, ... I played on the defensive line. I finally asked my coach if there was a position to play where I could hit somebody. He told me he had a position and it was at linebacker. I've been there ever since.

    I buckle that chin strap and I'm a different guy. I'm very vocal and I don't like offense of the opposition a whole lot.

    Southmont is a conference rival, and it's a senior-dominated team. We know they're going to come after us. We're going to have to win three games to win it, so we have to go the long route.

    Bryce does a lot of the intangibles. He's our best post player. He's probably been our most consistent all year. He always comes in ready to play.

    We will recycle a lot of the water. It'll get used a couple or three times.

    We're expected to make the majority of tackles, ... We have to worry about up the middle, sweeps and also drop back on passes.

    I guess sometimes good things happen when you don't expect it. I'm happy for Todd. It's a good opportunity for him and for Lance, too. Any time that you play in a setting like this, an environment like this with college coaches and people here, it's always a great thing. They both took advantage of it. They both played real well (Sunday) and played hard. I'm proud of them.

    They've all been major contributors the last two years for us. They're a close group. They've done a great job leading by example this year.

    Lance has had an outstanding four-year career. He's a gym rat. He's working on his game all the time.

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