Brian Foley Quotes (17 Quotes)

    Felix is a fantastic undercover officer, ... He should teach undercover that's how good he is.

    That surprised me a lot. You would have thought the guys at the top would have tightened their belts a little bit.

    The last thing I want to see is some people get paper reports and some people get e-mail reports.

    My hope is that history will continue to repeat itself,

    As a practical matter, the options have, for the moment, substantially diminished value, if any.

    Infrastructure is no longer the number one issue, now it's about content. If there's a compelling argument around content then people are more likely to buy it.

    Widespread availability of broadband, an increase in retailers using multiple channel strategies, increased online tenure and the facilitation of disposable credit cards such as the one announced by Permanent TSB will lead to a significant rise in the number of online shoppers in Ireland,

    It's not illegal. It doesn't mean that it's the best practice.

    When you are successful, the younger kids sit there and watch the older kids accomplish some special things. It makes them work especially hard in the offseason and when they become juniors and seniors, hopefully they can match the success of their predecessors,

    When I travel throughout the town, what I'm hearing from residents far and wide is that the most pressing issue facing the town is corruption,

    What they don't say is what is going to happen to the supplemental retirement plan. This begs the question on the extent to which senior management will share the pain that may be imposed on regular employees.

    I'm very optimistic about the football team. John does a great job getting them ready, ... The Super Bowl victory built their expectations and the challenge is there for them this season.

    The cross country team is open to anyone. I know some teams have trouble fielding a lot of kids, but we have all these kids that want to participate,

    If the new guy is the right guy, he is worth his weight in gold. If he is the wrong guy, you have a severance package that is substantially more expensive.

    Every year is a new challenge. Obviously, we were pretty successful last fall, but a lot of good players graduated and it's time to find out whether or not the new kids can play,

    We haven't discussed this as a committee and until I see evidence, I have absolutely nothing to comment.

    we're all getting the same information.

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    Pain - People - Planning - Hope - Corruption - Strategy - Football - Success - Gold - Committees - Value - View All Brian Foley Quotations

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