Brian Piskorowski Quotes (3 Quotes)

    With earnings season on the horizon, the bottom line could prove to be our catalyst back to the upside, as lofty expectations have been deflated with stock prices over the past few days.

    Clearly the volatility in the market has just been unbelievable. The Nasdaq in this week alone going to today's session was up 11 percent. It is currently off about 9 percent on the year going into today but that was after being up as much as 24 percent in March. So volatility is here and volatility is here so stay.

    Backing and filling is definitely going to be the name of the game here for the next couple of weeks. We're living on a number-by-number situation with earning season in full tilt right now, so, we're going to keep an eye on the earnings. And so far earnings have been quite good.

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