Brian Pozzi Quotes (5 Quotes)

    The last two hurricane seasons have been wakeup calls. Clearly, the world is changing and we must respond.

    We have learned from the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons that hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more severe. There's widespread agreement among scientists that we've entered into a cycle of more active hurricanes.

    We have all seen the devastation caused by the last two hurricane seasons. We have become aware of the predictions of future storm activity both in frequency and severity. It became clear that we had to take appropriate, measured steps to manage our high concentration of market share in the impacted counties.

    Hurricanes have hit downstate New York, and hurricanes will hit downstate New York again. Our very high market share numbers therefore compelled us to take appropriate, measured actions that balance the best interests of customers, shareholders, agency owners, employees and the community at large.

    We feel we have to manage our exposure here. All we have done is stop writing new business.

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