Brian Reynolds Quotes (12 Quotes)

    If the economy turns down, ... then junk is overvalued and the people buying it are going to get hurt.

    My gut tells me that spreads and yields are still too high to see a flood of deals. But if the market continues to improve, we will be at a point where a pickup in deals would be feasible.

    Way too many people have been saying this. I'm even getting people asking if the Fed is buying stocks, which is just too weird.

    If these things had not been done, it would have been a big negative because they have to lower their cost structure to be competitive.

    Their biggest profit-margin lines are under attack.

    The reality is we all have to work together to make it work. We're going to be congenial with everyone. We're not telling people to park on the street.

    Everyone was reaching for yield. When the Fed first tightened, people were surprised as heck.

    For me to get worried about the stock market, you have to show me signs that corporate bonds are getting weak and all this debt coming due isn't going to be rolled over. If you can't roll the debt over, you have to start valuing stocks on an asset basis. If you can roll it over, you have to start valuing it on an operating earnings basis. There's a huge difference in price between those two.

    I thought both of our teams did an awesome job this week.

    These numbers, they're OK. They're a little better than expected. It's like a drop in the ocean.

    Most schools use (similar trips) as a recruiting tool. It's nothing they're not accustomed to hearing from other schools.

    It's a transition period now. We're a constantly changing organism that is attempting to be a blessing to the community. The church is not pushing businesses out.

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