Brian Sabean Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    In a short time, Noah has showed us that he's someone who gives us a chance to win every time he takes the mound. We expect for him to be a long time fixture in our rotation and we believe he's just getting into the meat of his career.

    wouldn't be surprised at anything. But he's had a tremendous layoff. I don't care who you are, he's been out a long time.

    He's had his challenges in spring training to get out of the gate. If ever there a year that he needed to be on time, it's this year. He's a free agent-to-be, and we certainly need him.

    They'll be allowed to come into camp early, and the only people (who'll miss that much time) are people who play for the final two teams. I don't know if there will be a big question about Barry's knee. He's agreed to play as a DH, which is a different ballgame. We'll take it one step at a time and check off all the boxes.

    (Alfonzo) may have to take a step back and wait for playing time, ... He is capable of playing second base also. If he's in that role, perhaps our team is deeper, if he can spell people.

    He now knows, not that he wouldn't have if he had played, he knows firsthand that he's still the force he was before he missed all this time.

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