Brock Peters Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I worked over the years in many, many productions, but no-one ever again called me to welcome me aboard, except perhaps the director and the producer, but not my fellow actor-to-be,

    He initially clashed with the autocratic director. One day he chewed me out in front of a lot of people, ... I lost my temper and I went for him. Later I discovered he was a charming social personality and very warm, and I was surprised to learn that he was a life member of the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).

    Acclaimed by the American Film Institute as one of the 100 greatest U.S. films of the last century, Mockingbird won three Oscars , including one for star Gregory Peck, who died in 2003. And it was Peters who read the eulogy at Peck's funeral. In art there is compassion, in compassion there is humanity, with humanity there is generosity and love, ... Gregory Peck gave us these attributes in full measure.

    In one courtroom scene, in which Robinson is asked by his lawyer whether he has committed the rape, the accused man answers firmly, but with tears in his eyes I did not, sir. ... There wasn't a dry eye on set filming that scene the director Robert Mulligan sat me down and asked me to prepare for the point where I burst into tears by only going to places in my mind where I remembered and experienced pain, and let me tell you the tears did come.

    I have been here a long time, and I have seen this cycle happen before. I'll wait awhile and see if this flurry of activity leads to anything permanent.

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