Bruce MacDonald Quotes (20 Quotes)

    We do gasoline promotions and heating oil promotions regularly ... there is a recognition that these are popular items due to the high cost of gasoline and home heating oil prices.

    The tribe repeatedly said its trust applications will be confined to ancestral lands in Connecticut.

    It's going up almost every night. I guess the storm had a lot to do with it.

    The way it's going now it will change tomorrow morning. It will be up there with the rest of them.

    It was a business decision the tribe made reluctantly. There's no good time to close a business. The tribe made the decision and had to act on it.

    If the public wants to know what the formula is we should be able to give it to them.

    As you know, Barretts Park was very special to Charlie, and early on we thought that it would be most fitting to build this structure and dedicate it to him and in his memory.

    It was an individual initiative. The tribe as an institution did not take the lead here.

    He favors traffic improvements when it pertains to Utopia, but he opposes them when they pertain to the tribe.

    I would love to invite the governor to come down and see the good work that we're dong. Why not

    The employees have the opportunity to apply for jobs within the tribal enterprise system.

    Without Gil Reed pushing this facility and the Pine Tree Zone incentives, we would be someplace else. This is a great facility. They have loading docks, they can do our shipping, they have a welding facility, there is plenty of electricity and Gil really sold us on the great work force.

    It's a season restaurant and was supposed to open in May, but the tribe has been reviewing its business operations, as it periodically does, and the Tribal Council thought there could be a better use for the building from a business perspective. They see a more profitable use.

    The first thing that the money will do is to allow us to better help people because we're improving the building where our services come out of.

    You don't consume craft beers in great quantities just to get loaded you consume craft beers because you like the taste of the beer. People are asking for beer based on what they're eating, which is quite a change from the way it was.

    We have a number of facilities that are very nice, that would be able to accommodate them. If they wish to go elsewhere, we'll certainly understand that.

    It's a reaction to over-Americana for the last three years and to foreign origins. And two, it is a search for identity among the Russians themselves.

    I think this iffy weather somewhat demonstrates how needful we are of a pavilion, because if we had it, we could all be under the shelter

    This is not an ownership question at all. This is largely a branding, a marketing, a licensing arrangement. It has absolutely nothing to do with ownership. It's a business arrangement.

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