Buck Martinez Quotes on World (5 Quotes)

    For so long we have been the teachers around the world. Now I think there's something to be learned from teams like Korea and Japan execution and work ethic.

    Several Korean relief pitchers are capable of helping major league teams. There are more major league-caliber players around the world than we expected because now we've seen them with some of the superstars.

    I wouldn't consider it a black eye (for the U.S. team to lose). But it's something you don't want to experience. Certainly, there are guys from other parts of the world who have turned into stars in the big leagues, but this is our game.

    Anybody involved with this tournament would love to see the best teams available. We know that the Cubans have set the standard for international baseball and it would be a good opportunity to measure up their team against the best in the world.

    Clearly, there is quality baseball being played all over the world. The caliber of pitching we faced was outstanding. Many of our hitters came back to the dugout shaking their heads at the quality of pitches they were seeing. You know, there was a lot said about Team USA not really taking this seriously. But I can guarantee you there are a lot of guys hurting down in that clubhouse now.

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