Bud Hendrix Quotes (10 Quotes)

    We just have to take that day-by-day. He played well in both games with Camden, and someone else will have to step up.

    A lot of people told me that no Manteo team had ever been this far, and this is nice, but when you get to this point, you think you can go all the way.

    It's the same thing night in and night out. If our guards aren't playing well, we struggle. We just came out of the gate wanting to launch 3-pointers instead of taking it to the basket. We were lucky to have a one-point lead at the end of the quarter.

    All I know is I've been coaching at Manteo for 17 years, and I couldn't be prouder of a group of kids. They came up here under some serious stress and a hostile crowd and showed their true grit.

    Davis did a great job for us. He was the player of the year in our conference and he proved it tonight. We had a lot of heart and I'm very proud of them.

    I thought they were the stronger team because it was a physical game. They had 30 offensive rebounds.

    When you get stats from the game, I didn't think it was them forcing turnovers, because we forced some, too, but we didn't convert. You can't do that here.

    Camden Friday night, let's be 12-0 if it's possible. That's all they want, and they were saving their celebration until Friday night.

    Wow, 15-for-15, I didn't know that, but I knew we were shooting pretty good. What a great game. Just a battle and a terrific battle all night long. Plymouth is a great team, and they're just so physical, and everything we had, we had to earn it.

    That was real important to us. I thought our team played extremely well tonight, passed very well and worked hard.

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