Buster Brown Quotes (7 Quotes)

    It is a touchy subject. But in any industry there is a surplus of unusable goods. What do you do with them

    Our defense saved us, no doubt. Our offense was not very good but Kate hit those two 3-pointers and that seemed to get us going.

    It's not about style points, certainly not this year. It was ugly but we found a way to win and that's all that counts. We'll take the ugly wins every time.

    Because we're not great on offense, we've got to be strong on defense. We can't give people second or third shots.

    I know for a fact there's individuals out there that won't pay to put them down or put them down themselves. And (those horses) are going to die of old age and that's a pretty ugly death.

    We've made some real progress. We've still got a lot to improve on, but it's getting a lot better.

    If we don't finish, (Jefferson) can also blow us out. Jefferson, and Hebron Christian are just ahead of everybody else in this region right now. But it's one of the most competitive regions I've ever seen.

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