Cam Bonifay Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I think the word that's the key with everything they do is consistency. That, and improving their skills. That's the case with most minor-leaguers, but it's particularly important for them because they're so talented.

    I sent out a call to all the managers with players from the affected areas to make sure that every player's been talked to and contacted about each of their personal situations. And we will react accordingly to do anything we can to help them and their families.

    The Southern League will make the call, but Mobile's under water right now so they may not even go.

    He said there had been hard rain all day, but the wind was not real bad.

    Offensively we knew we might be behind the 8-ball. I was hoping that our pitching and defense would help us in carrying us to a few more wins than we have, but after a while that lack of offensive production starts to wear down on you as a club.

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