Camillo Bica Quotes (6 Quotes)

    I am more the patriot today as I march in protest and dissent than when I wore the uniform of a United States Marine. Nor am I less the warrior, armed with a bullhorn rather than an automatic weapon.

    Maybe one day when we remember that we are animals, we will stop killing eachother like human beings.

    Where the struggle to end Dont Ask, Dont Tell misses the mark is that NO ONE has a right to slaughter and be slaughtered in illegal, immoral war. There is no equal right to murder

    You cannot both condemn terrorism as always wrong (murder) and at the same time, as a response to terrorism, justifyexcuse killing civilians (the defining characteristic that allegedly distinguishes terrorism from war). Since in the Global War Against Terrorism over 900,000 civilians have been killed, either terrorism (murder) is not always wrong or the United States is a terrorist nation and guilty of murder.

    I think our addiction to war is nurture rather than nature. We learn to hate, learn to want more, learn to kill. It's what we teach our kids everyday on TV, in the movies, on video games, etc. We mythologize war and conceal its horror. We have managed a scenario in which we have disinfranchised segments of our population, women and gays, demanding equal rights to become victims and killers on the battlefield

    Memorial Day is the occasion this nation sets aside to remember, to grieve, and to honor those who chose or were compelled to sacrifice their lives in behalf of a cause they believed or were told was just. Those of us who have known war hear the cries of the dying forever echo in our minds and suffer the pain and loss each day of our lives. We need no holiday to remind us.

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    War & Peace - Pain - Learning - Education - Animals - Sadness - Movies - Games - Cry - Woman - Terrorism - Nature - Hatred - Death & Dying - Time - View All Camillo Bica Quotations

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