Cara Hendry Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I was going down and I wasn't sure if I had Gina with me. So I was just kind of trying to get a shot on net and hopefully get a rebound out to her or myself. I don't even know how it went in, but the red light came on and I was just sitting in front.

    We need to focus on our mistakes and learn to improve. It's important to pay attention to detail and win the small battles.

    There were definitely a lot of highs this year. I think winning games that, coming into them, we shouldn't have won and no one thought that we would have won was just the best feeling - upset wins, which I guess you could say they almost all were.

    Playing a team for the first time just helps us get a feel for them.

    I love being on the power play. I love standing in front of the net causing havoc in front of their goalie. That's one of my favorite parts of the game for sure.

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