Carol Miller Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Many people have been able to return to their homes. We expect to spend most of today assessing damage, but it seems like it was not as bad as we expected.

    It's a witness. It's my truth, and I need to be out there expressing it.

    I think there's so much evidence that it won't really make a difference.

    People have really improved their recycling efforts.

    It was very moving and extremely needed, ... We are a conservative campus where this is not talked about.

    I came in Tuesday and took a tour of the building for the first time. My first impression was that EB II is pretty nice. I think the rooms will be much better for students than what they had before.

    We could always use more, but we are getting back on schedule after the holiday.

    A retired gentleman called and said he was going to cook Thanksgiving for his ex-fiance, who was from 30 years ago, ... They were rekindling over turkey dinner and he hadn't really cooked before.

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