Carolyn Kwan Quotes (19 Quotes)

    The strength in this component, which includes apparel and home entertainment goods, bodes well for Christmas retail sales.

    This is a supportive report for Bank of Canada's 'modest' rate hike plans -- good growth, but lower imported costs.

    With the stronger trade surplus, I would have expected the Canadian dollar to do a little bit better, except of course at the same time the U.S. trade deficit came in smaller than expected. As a result it's been positive for the U.S. dollar.

    The Bank of Canada is more likely to move more than the U. S..

    They probably will not explicitly (address it.) But there are several ways in which they can bring that up and talk about it in terms of global risk and the adjustment to international terms of trade, or...that inflation has been coming in lower than expected.

    The business conditions survey is going to take center stage for Canada, maybe in particular because the Canadian dollar seems to be playing an important role in the Bank of Canada's thinking now.

    Everything this week is going to be hinging on the Bank of Canada early on -- there are also some important data points which should be supportive overall -- but the question really is the statement.

    The jobs number was a blowout. It was strong across the board.

    Every one of them gets to be pretty important when considering the Fed is going to be watching the data ever more closely to figure out where interest rates are going.

    The Bank of Canada has talked about the risks to 2007 on the downside. We would see the Canadian dollar weakening.

    The overall tone of the report is pretty mediocre at this point.

    The main factor behind the Canadian dollar appreciation is likely the expectation of tomorrow's Bank of Canada statement accompanying the widely expected hike.

    Even with the Canadian dollar appreciating some 6 U.S. cents through the year, both exports and imports in 2005 surged to record high levels.

    We've had quite a significant appreciation this week, and I think this is sort of a holding pattern before we get the Bank of Canada next week.

    It is likely that the level of starts in both months was helped by milder than normal weather (the previous month, for example, was the strongest level of starts since January 1987), though they still represent strong underlying demand.

    I think the next interest rate increase is pretty much anticipated. We (forecast) another interest rate increase coming right after that as well, we think this is pretty supportive of that.

    Today's number might represent some upside risk to that.

    Commodity currencies are being hit particularly hard but other currencies are holding up well as interest rate expectations for the other two regions are rising.

    Basically whatever high level of investment there last year, there will be even more this year. But we have some good gains in other areas too.

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