Charles Nelson Quotes (9 Quotes)

    This stabilization in overall coverage rate can be explained by increases in government coverage that offset the decline in employer-based coverage.

    Hispanics had the highest rate of any people without health insurance. Children in poverty had a higher uninsured rate than any other children.

    I guess what happened last year was kind of similar to what happened in the early 1990s where you had a recession that was officially over and then you had several years after that of rising poverty.

    For children, uninsured rates appear to be declining over time.

    The stabilization in the overall coverage rate can be explained by an increase in government coverage notably Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program that offset a decline in employment-based coverage.

    What's happening ... is kind of similar to what happened in the early 1990s where you have a recession officially over and then several more years after that a rise in poverty.

    But you can find it easily from Tasmania to North America to the mountains of South Africa. It's probably growing outside my front door.

    This is a simple matter of consumer privacy. I feel strongly that sensitive personal information, including our cell phone records, should be protected from the eyes of strangers.

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