Charles Ryan Quotes (15 Quotes)

    I like the fact that there's consistency in the sector, ... Oracle is saying good things and SAP is saying good things. It's more of the news flow being consistent across the board rather than one company saying things look great for next quarter.

    It was a gut check. I thought, 'Let's assume the market comes back and we actually survive this. What will the fruits of survival be.

    We've only been on the market for about four weeks with the technology. But in a very short time, ... people are going to better understand specifically what we're doing.

    Once we get a clear picture of when the war will end -- when we no longer hear the excuse of 'wait for the war to end' and we can actually see a pickup in business spending -- we can then refocus on earnings news,

    Tomorrow's action will be totally affected by the Intel numbers. We're seeing some buying in anticipation of a pickup in technology spending, and we're starting to see some pockets of it.

    I think they'll continue to maintain a good pace, ... We've seen a lot of money roll into these names.

    We've broken through some support levels. Today is a positive sign that we're trying to stop the free fall. I think it's something we can build upon.

    (It's) not that expensive when you consider what women shell out over time.

    IBM will be the other shoe to drop this week. If we have two good numbers out of these companies, you could start seeing some substantial gains in the sector.

    There is no one formula. Every formula is unique. It really depends on your individual skin as to what we put in. ... Unlike mass products that try to put in a single active ingredient and then try to sell it to everyone, we don't do that at Lab 21.

    Overall, the signs that the Fed's starting to see the economy pick up in the future will serve as a positive for the tech sector, ... Also, the low rates are going to encourage businesses to starting investing in technology to add to their business.

    This was a wonderful program we put in on the water and sewer commission,

    This is when it starts to get fun. You can stay local, stay a small boutique and do very interesting business, but not if you want to be involved in global deals.

    Deutsche Bank showed its durability of commitment.

    It will be a big step in terms of getting out all the information on Iraq. I'm hoping it will provide some sort of catalyst for the market.

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