Chris Benoit Quotes (3 Quotes)

    I am the greatest technical wrestler in the history of the WWF

    Being in the WWE for many years, Glen has had occasion to wrestle many of the top superstars of all time. In fact, he's stood across the ring from stars such as Bret The Hitman ... Undertaker was always one of my favorites because I have a lot of respect for him because of all the things he's done and done to help me. Chris Benoit is a lot of fun because he's a great guy. Of course, guys like Austin and The Rock because no matter what you did with those guys, you're going to get a reaction from the people. They always make it easy.

    We always made sure everything was alright, that we were all comfortable. We were always fighting and bitching, whining, complaining. Spending each other's money, lie, cheat and steal. One thing beyond a doubt though, Eddie Guerrero, when he stepped through the ropes into the ring, he was king, he was the boss, he was the man, he was the engine. He proved that to me every time I stepped into the ring with him.

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