Chris Cooney Quotes (7 Quotes)

    Just from a pure fundraising capacity, we're trending in all the right directions, significant increases quarter over quarter and beating our competition by significant margins. He's got the ideas, he's got the political momentum and he has the money on his side.

    The numbers continue to be a reflection of name recognition more than anything else, and they probably won't change all that much until the campaign heats up in the months ahead.

    The fairly substantial narrowing of the gap is the reflection of what we're hearing and seeing every day on the campaign trail.

    People consult from any location on something that's on the drawing board and well before any construction is commenced. But he's running the studios in Wilmington, North Carolina, full stop.

    It is shocking and unbelievable that somebody who has acknowledged taking part in one of the greatest scandals in Connecticut's modern political history is getting paid 104,000 in taxpayer money to investigate other people.

    Gov. Rell has every right to bring anyone she needs to into the state of Connecticut to help her raise money, but John McCain is not going to be able to do anything about the fact that Connecticut is last in job growth in the country and has 71,000 children who don't have health care coverage.

    Only 10 percent say very unfavorable after 20 years of work.

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