Chris Ford Quotes (11 Quotes)

    The city has to opt out of the sales tax ceiling first, and that takes some time. Then, you have to have a vote of the people to approve it. And even then, it will be several months before you actually collect any revenues from it. So there wasn't enough time to raise the funds for 2006 through a sales tax.

    We thought some of our other seniors were going to get on through, but it was a heartbreaker.

    We now have people drinking Australian wine. The task of the industry now is to keep those people drinking it and not moving on to the next great thing. We can produce what the customer wants, but we need to know what they are after.

    It's something different that I've never done before. Spending this much time on a project is tedious at some points, but it's also really exciting to me. And then there's the charity work we'll be doing. All of that drew me to it and made me want to be part of it.

    I like how it comes in solid colors. It's not some sort of ugly plaid or ducks and bunnies. I love its industrial design. I love how it's made of metal, how strong it is.

    We have to monitor it all the time. In 2004, we submitted a 30 million budget, but only actually spent 22.3 million. That's because we only had revenues of 22.6 million.

    I set up the site because, at the time, there weren't many parenting resources online. As a new stay-at-home dad, I wanted to find out about the perspectives of other dads and contribute to them.

    I am pleased that these results give further confirmation of the original assay values obtained by our partners, SBMGE, and pave the way for further exploration of the deposit with a view to increasing the tonnage by drilling, particularly in the western section.

    Parents who use the supersize strollers dismiss the notion that they are inconsiderate or think of themselves as superior. If anything I am particularly self-conscious about the stroller in public places, that I'm not bumping into people, ... A stroller i

    It's really nice to (work on the house) and meet the people who will be using it.

    It's given us good opportunity to get back to the basics and get in better shape. We're practicing every day except Christmas and New Year.

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    People - Time - Business & Commerce - Wine - Sales - Design - Budgeting - Tax - Perspective - Fathers - Place - Parents - Charity - View All Chris Ford Quotations

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