Chris Fox Quotes (25 Quotes)

    They could be national class if they improve, which we know they will. They ran their first college 400-meter hurdle race. It was OK, but we know there's lots of room for improvement. They can be big stars for Syracuse down the road.

    At the time of the AGM in November, we had pointed out that development expenditure in aerospace would affect the first-half performance.

    Of anyone who went down there, he had the best meet. He did a great job, even though he finished well back in the pack, his time was outstanding.

    You don't put a lot of credence into a meet in March. Nobody's ready it's not that we don't care, but March is nothing. We weren't worried about the results. The kids all ran the meet relatively beat up.

    A lot of it is luck. She has to be consistent in her events. She's strong in just about every event, and you have to hit them all in those two days, no mistakes.

    Because I stunk at basketball. It was better to excel at running than get cut from the basketball team.

    This is the hotbed of (high school) cross country running in the United States. Western New York has great distance running tradition, but we're gonna recruit the best kids in the state of New York and the best in the nation. We're not going to just be a regional program.

    In the wake of the Stockwell shooting, it would have been completely negligent of us not to review it to make sure of its legality and to make sure that the actual tactical operation of it is reasonable.

    I thought the biggest success of the weekend was that the kids reacted well to the bad conditions. That they reacted positively, they didn't let it take away from their performance.

    This is the time of year when we change over to a summer grade of gasoline. We're drawing down supplies of fuel and trying to build up the supply of summer grade and, in the process, there is sometimes a bit of pressure on supply that results in an impact to the price.

    When we go to a meet, the time is just as important, if not more important, as how they do in the race. But, ultimately track is about beating people. We go to meets to win races.

    The time was very fast, but I liked how she won.

    You gotta believe you can coach. What works is getting the kids to believe in what you're doing. My guys at Auburn, if I asked them to run through a wall, they'd certainly give it a shot. I try to tell them how good I think they are and get them to believe they can be that good.

    We went down there to do work. It was a spring break trip. We went down there to get in good weather and just work hard for the week.

    She had a great workout on Tuesday. We actually didn't do any work to go into this race, we went into it tired. She did a nice job. She likes to race, which is important in this game. She's a great competitor.

    This is what I know. It'd be stupid if I didn't coach. I love the sport and I love coaching, and I'm way over-educated in this sport.

    When you're in the (Southeastern Conference), there's not many places that are step-ups, even as an assistant to a head coach. (Syracuse) is one of those big step-ups. It was an opportunity that was presented to me and I was going to grab it.

    If they don't send their ballots in, it's a 'No' vote. So you run the risk of not having any representation at all.

    Technically, they have to get better but that will come with practice, warm weather and learning their event better.

    She ran a great race. That's probably worth five or six seconds (had the weather been better). She beat some really good girls, who I know she has never beat before. She had a really big final 300 (meters), came from behind to win.

    The police will take firm action as necessary. Blocking the highway or preventing companies going about their business is unlawful.

    I am pleased that the existing policy has been deemed fit for purpose and we now await any IPCC recommendations.

    We wanted to build up momentum throughout the season. For a lot of people on the team, probably half the team, this is their last meet. This is what we shoot for, to do well in this meet.

    The (corporate-owned) Cushman Wakefield platform is really geared toward your Fortune 500 companies. If you look at St. Louis and how business gets done here, it's really more of a regional market. I think this model fits St. Louis better.

    North Carolina is known for their women's middle-distance runners they have a big reputation for that. So to beat the girl that she beat, at North Carolina, in the heat like that, with the credentials that girl had, was outstanding. She just ran a great r

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