Chris Mullin Quotes (15 Quotes)

    We're extremely pleased and fortunate to add someone the caliber of John MacLeod to our coaching staff, ... His impressive resume speaks for itself in terms of his success in the NBA and the experience he has gained in this league. We think he'll make a wonderful addition to our organization and team.

    (Is it) disappointing being below .500 No. Would I like to be over Yes. But again, our record is where it stands, and we're right in the middle of a lot of teams bunched up. It's our job, our focus, to get above that. To get out of that bunch.

    The way Mike performed, the way he conducted himself, and the way we run our organization, we both felt it was something that we wanted, ... We're still putting together a team and not just individuals. Mike's ability to play with the guys that we have on our roster, along with his age and his development ... are what it's about.

    I am not aware of any evidence that the government in any way is complicit with what's going on.

    Why and how, I'm not sure. I think we underestimate their feeling of history, the fact that they care. I think they get pinned with a broad brush 'They don't care, it doesn't matter to them.' But I think our best players will step up.

    Much appreciated. It's a celebration of the past, but I look forward to it. I get to see a lot of people that were instrumental in my development and, to this day, are still a part of my life.

    The same commitment that was there 40 years ago, that same person was at that meeting caring. The people there really spoke their minds, which is nice.

    We view him as an integral part of our future and as a player who will continue to develop and expand his game, much as he has during his first three years in the NBA. Mike is a player who has improved every year that he has been in the league.

    We looked at all (the trade scenarios) over not just today, the last several months, and nothing got done. There's things going on all the time that you talk about. And they come and go, and you move on.

    We feel like it's time for these guys to take the next step,

    It puts a smile on my face, ... excitement and trust and confidence and leadership. And as importantly, a whole lot of talent. I think he's got a unique combination of talent, skill, personality and backs it up. He does things with a certain flair. You don't have to be a basketball person to see that.

    We need to play, I don't want to say with a sense of urgency (but) we need to be able to execute and finish games. We put ourselves in position to win, and hopefully, we learn from those missed opportunities and change those outcomes.

    There's going to be instances where some might see it as an advantage (to play small) and some might see it as a disadvantage, ... You have to make it work to your advantage. The people that make it work are those who play that way, and for good reason they get results.

    Their parents are serving us. We're just trying to give a little back to them. The way they serve our country and protect us, what we're doing is very small. It's been my pleasure to be here, and I thank God for our troops.

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