Chris Turner Quotes (18 Quotes)

    It's been foreigners looking for yield that has driven the U.S. curve to flatten. The market will interpret this inversion as more circumspect than previous ones.

    They can gain an increased knowledge of agriculture that covers anything from shop skills to record keeping and consulting. There are a lot of careers in business and a lot of non-traditional opportunities out there.

    Were there to be good news from ISM or indeed good news from (U.S.) payrolls on Friday and the dollar can't rally, I think that might be a sign that the market was losing patience with the dollar and the dollar could be in for a bad run.

    He's a big guy, that can be an adequate blocker. You look around the league and there are a lot of tight ends that are ex-receivers or ex-basketball players who are playing at a high level.

    It was a good night overall. Just about every game, we've been in. We just need to focus a little better in the later innings and stay with our approach throughout the game.

    It didn't work last time. Chet doesn't need to rely on big names from outside of our district because he campaigns on his proven record of being an independent-minded and effective voice in Congress.

    We kind of jumped on them pretty early. Actually, we've been playing pretty good as a team the last couple of games ... We've kind of got that chemistry right now. Everyone is playing good.

    I'm not a believer in every time a person makes a mistake we should fire them.

    I got a good pitch to hit and I hit it. I didn't miss it like (Wednesday).

    Because neither (candidate) has caught on, they're having to attack each other in the final days.

    Carl let his concentration slip and he's got to learn from that.

    It's funny, because last year nobody was looking up to me. But this year, people on the team looked at everything I did. Whatever I did, they wanted to do. So I had to lead by example.

    It's amazing. I'd been hearing a lot about it before I came down here. I looked at a couple of pictures on the internet, too. It looks nice but, when you get here and see it in person, it looks beautiful.

    I think you can really gain some professional skills. We work on interviewing skills and job seeking skills which can carry over into other avenues.

    We will try to create a facility to store information once and use it for more than one project,

    I love playing the point now. I had never played point before, so it's not only giving me a challenge but making me a better and a more complete player at the same time.

    I think our (200 free relay), if we drop a few seconds, might be able to make it (to district).

    They were bizarre own goals but goals win games and we gave them three.

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