Christopher Dixon Quotes (12 Quotes)

    The net result is to create a smaller, faster-growing entity that is now superbly positioned to benefit from the ongoing development and expansion of the companies' unique portfolio of interactive properties.

    We believe this compelling valuation offsets very real concerns about management's ability to develop a path out of the quagmire.

    This is a complicated transaction. It's in response to the Justice Department's concerns.

    More and more people are spending money on marketing. Companies are going to need to increase their marketing budgets as we move into this increasing complex economy. That's great news for these media companies -- whether it's Viacom or what we'll see thi

    On the face of it, Fox Entertainment Group's ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers is not an enormous success economically. But when you take into account their broadcast of baseball games, it gives them a seat at the league's table, which is invaluable.

    It's a non-story. Steve is a big picture thinker and Jerry is a detailed guy and they are both very, very intelligent. There is every expectation that they are going to be able to work very well together.

    The net result of the subscriber fees is that Disney is alone among the large media companies today in capturing disproportionate revenues from sports fans that enables them to pay higher sports fees than anyone else. Once you get all this programming, you begin to reinforce the brand. It enables you to get higher advertising rates as well. It's a lousy strategy for ABC alone, but a great strategy for Disney.

    The challenge for any new network from Eye on People to the Food channel is to continue to get broad-based distribution.

    We view the recent Yahoo sell-off as overdone. We believe anyone investing in Yahoo on the belief that the Internet represents a good advertising medium is missing the story.

    To me, the most important thing is that management sent a very clear signal to the Street that they are refocusing and making an effort to return their focus to improving the return on capital. They understand their problems and they are putting in place a system to make those problems disappear.

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