Chuck Hurley Quotes (13 Quotes)

    Forgiveness is biblical, too. I'm all for forgiving him if he says he did wrong.

    It's time to get smart and spend these precious resources only on those programs proven to increase belt use, and that means quality enforcement of strong laws using the 'Click It or Ticket' model,

    Clearly the message has gotten through to most parents that children 12 and under should always ride correctly buckled in the back seat. It's the combination of education, stronger seat belt and child passenger safety laws, and high-visibility enforcement that has produced the behavior change we see today.

    Our message between zero and .08 is a responsibility message. The message of .08 and above is an illegal message.

    Lambda thinks there's a shot here at the Supreme Court. The governor appoints judges, and the governor's been very friendly to the homosexual agenda, so maybe they felt that there was a red carpet here in that regard.

    She suggested to the husband to kill himself.

    California is really a model of excellence in safety belt use. It has the highest belt use rate in this country. In fact, they are the first state to have an international level belt use at 88.9 percent. They are really saving some of the high-risk drivers, such as teen-agers.

    That's a concern, ... is very tough on the cost of fundraising.

    MADD is not the white-hot issue it was in the 1980s, ... But we need to rebuild our organization with even more volunteers and a stronger structure than we had in the past.

    I don't think Christian leaders who urge people to vote biblically, I don't think that's an evil influence. To me that statement by McCain is an extreme slap in the face to my faith.

    I just cannot see them pulling the lever for Rudy or for Pataki.

    They have a constituency that expects action. They're not going to sit around for years and years. They're going to try the doors that might open. And this one might open.

    Our goal is not to put anyone out of business, ... We believe best practice is do not drink and drive.

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