Chuck Ramsey Quotes (11 Quotes)

    Proviso East is one of the great programs and traditions in Illinois. We always challenge ourselves by playing the best competition available.

    We shot way too many 3s. We didn't attack the gaps in the zone with our post players and we settled for the perimeter shot.

    We came out ready to play and played a solid game. We had better defensive pressure and shot the ball a lot better than in our last meeting.

    We get a chance to play four games down here against quality teams, and that's what we come down here. We have to put together four good games in order to have a chance to win it, and that's our goal.

    I thought Logan played awfully hard. He really gave us a lift.

    If the team is a house, then Mitchell is the foundation. He's got a big heart, and he's one of the guys people feed off.

    When we are willing to move the ball and the bodies, we are tough to defend. We have some people that are really gifted passers.

    We weren't surprised (Aurora West) made a run at us because they have a lot of quickness that you just can't simulate in practice. Their 1-2-2 zone can cause problems, but if you move the ball and make good passes, it can open some shots up, and Jordan and Logan made a couple of big 3s against it.

    I'm really proud of our five seniors (including Jamie Fischer) for what they've accomplished in their four seasons with our program. They are great players and great citizens. They do a lot at our school and they are school leaders. They have really represented our community and school very well.

    We wanted to be able to attack and not be passive. We have some really good athletes, and they can use their athleticism more inside than outside I think.

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