Clint Hurdle Quotes on Games (13 Quotes)

    We couldn't buy a hit when we needed one. We went three games where we got the hit when we needed it and we haven't been able to get one the last three games.

    Those kind of games are signature games. You're lucky if you have one of them in your career.

    You don't make the third out at third. You've been taught that since you're six years old. We talked about this the other day. We've done this twice now in the last three ball games.

    They do walk around a little lighter. They have experience under their belt and a degree of confidence. But they have to build on the success. You can talk about a lot of things, but the bottom line is we won 67 games, and that is not very many.

    We had a lot of guys just running hot, and we were running hot to start the game again tonight. That's a nice come-from-behind victory on the road for us. I've seen a lot of road games.

    Sullivan was lights out Monday night. He really got a great break on the ball. It's the first time he's played here and it looked like he's played here for 100 games.

    We've got to play and win games. That's the best answer to all the baggage that any group will carry here that plays in Colorado from the previous records. This group has an opportunity to define itself and separate themselves from some of that baggage.

    They have a lot to prove. I look forward to the opportunity to go play games. They believe they can beat anybody.

    With four homers in six games, Barry Bonds is heating up again. Perhaps the most telling thing is how other players react when he comes to the plate. Nobody goes to the bathroom, ... and nobody goes to get coffee.

    Matt has had his ups and downs the last few games. He delivered the big hit for us so this couldn't have come at a better time for him.

    It's just another example of backing up what we've talked about with action, nothing more than that. We need him to get some games in at second. An opportunity today presents itself. We move upon it. We'll see how it goes.

    That's been a redeeming quality, that he has been able to slow things down and been able to get an inning over with before it completely got out of hand. He said he has not been comfortable out of the stretch the last couple of games. I told him I didn't think he was lying. I told him either we have to find a way to make him comfortable or for him to not let any guys get on.

    We're not messenger boys. We want to be delivery boys. We have to play and win games.

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