Consumer Reports Quotes (9 Quotes)

    More and more people are buying bigger and bigger, ... and the bigger the vehicle, the bigger the blind spot.

    Attention, holiday shoppers Retailing powerhouses Best Buy, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart may not be the best places to buy electronics, ... Those chains rated only middling to below average on price, selection, and service.

    For consumers, the news means that their vehicles typically cost hundreds more per year to operate than they were led to believe.

    City traffic is supposed to be the hybrids' strong suit, but their shortfall amounted to a 40 percent deficit on average.

    We tested a wide variety of off-brand inks from many different sources, including office depot, staples, some online retailers, as well as specialty ink stores,

    We believe that the avoidance-maneuver tests we conduct provide consistent results and closely simulate a read-world situation in which a driver needs to suddenly steer around an obstacle in the road. In our view the tests are repeatable and valid.

    Our report overturns the long-held conviction that to lose weight, you have to enroll in an expensive program, buy special food, or follow the regimen of a particular diet guru,

    A balanced, low-fat diet plus weekly meetings give this large commercial weight-loss program the highest long-term adherence rate of any diet in our analysis.

    For a person testing their blood glucose level, they could get the wrong information and treat it improperly.

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