Craig Barrett Quotes on Business & Commerce (7 Quotes)

    The pace of technology innovation is accelerating. The investment demonstrates the company's long-term commitments and builds on the foundation we created during the last ten years. Through the Intel Capital India Technology Fund, Intel will help Indian companies drive technology adoption locally and identify new business opportunities globally. We will grow our local operations, boost venture capital investment and work closely with the government, industry and educators to increase the impact of the country's Information and Communication Technology.

    Innovate, integrate, innovate, integrate, that's the way the industry works, ... Graphics was a stand-alone graphics card then it's going to be a stand-alone graphics chip and then part of that's going to get integrated into the main CPU.

    Micron is one of the industry leaders with a new generation of products and leading-edge manufacturing technology. Our goal in making this equity investment is ensuring an adequate supply of memory components, particularly Direct RDRAM. This is a significant strategic investment that supports our microprocessor road map into 2000 and beyond.

    Discovery, ingenuity and innovation have always been at the forefront of the U.S. economic and technological leadership. Unfortunately recent indicators show that we are at risk of losing our competitive edge. The business community commends the President for making American competitiveness a national goal.

    This merger strengthens Intel's position as a key supplier to the converging Internet and telecommunications industry, ... Our goal is to make Intel-based servers the foundation of e-business and communications applications based on integrated voice and data networks.

    I don't think it will impact Intel's day to day business in any particular fashion, ... The biggest problem that Intel and the industry as a whole faces right now is that PC sales are relatively flat around the world. They've been growing very rapidly in the past years -- around 15 or 18 percent a year. But this year it's growing very slowly. I think that's the biggest problem Intel faces.

    The communications part of the business is still weak and suffering from what is a combination of over investment and a recessionary trend,

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