Cris Carter Quotes (7 Quotes)

    What percentage of the playbook will he have access to ... When you have a quarterback who throws like that, there's no way Mike Heimerdinger is making him make the same throws he made Steve McNair throw in Tennessee.

    I'd have to take Moss, ... Defensive coordinators have to commit more people in coverage against Moss than any receiver I've ever seen.

    I didn't know what to think about our chances. This opportunity is special. They're all special. The first one was special and this one will be special. I think we're ready. We're in good shape. Real good shape.

    Randy was a guy who got by on raw ability for a long time. He could do all of the stuff he was doing without working out. Now, I think he has something to prove and he's going to prove it.

    Everyone understands. Everyone knows what this game means. You just like having this opportunity, anytime you can get it.

    Now there are certain aspects of football that we all know. They are not your typical, average 9-to-5 jobs, but why do we have to get to the point that we have to accept stuff like this This behavior is not acceptable. Romanowski is a bad guy. He is a jerk every day of the week, and I hated playing against him.

    I believe his injury is going to help him because it's going to make him look at the game a little different. It's going to make him stay in the pocket a little more initially.

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