Curt Nichols Quotes (5 Quotes)

    The big news really is that, because flash is an integral part of cellular phones and those are shipping in such high volume, the next billion units is only going to take two years to get to.

    This is our first investment in home control and automation. Its time has come, the market is ready.

    It basically allows us to double the number of flash chips we get on every wafer. It's a huge advantage in terms of being able to supply the industry with more chips.

    In terms of business growth and economic development - there are really two ways to develop a strong economy - an economy made up of high-wage, high-value jobs that are diverse enough to ensure that the region prospers in any type of economy. One of those ways is to attract new companies or operations to our region. The other way is to focus on helping companies who are already here grow and prosper.

    There's no question that the demand for flash far exceeds supply today. How long that will continue is anybody's guess. Cellular phones are growing at a phenomenal rate. The whole wireless industry has experienced growth that no analyst has correctly projected.

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