Dainius Zubrus Quotes (6 Quotes)

    He's going to go home when the season ends and in a couple weeks it's suddenly going to dawn on him what he has accomplished. I told him before the season started that if he had 35, 40 goals, for a rookie that would be great. Look at him now, it's amazing.

    He's a normal guy with superstar status. He's a very likable guy and that's why everyone in here is so happy for him.

    I went after him because the rest of the team had left, and I was just sitting in the parking lot with his dad for 30 minutes waiting for him. I just told him, 'Hey, it's time to go,' and that was that.

    Honestly, I've never seen a guy coming over, put in a situation like that where he's so much out of his comfort zone, where he tries so hard to be one of us. He is one of us. He loves being over here. He loves coming to the dressing room, practicing, playing. He loves USA. He loves the country. He loves how things are run here.

    I've never seen anything or anyone like him. The whole Washington organization and the whole city should thank, I don't know, somebody. Because guys like Alex don't come around often.

    You stand there long enough, sometimes it's going to happen. It was luck more than anything else, for sure.

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