Dallas Drake Quotes (25 Quotes)

    That's going to be a rivalry going on for a long time. Jacks loves that, I think he loves playing against him. It helps him elevate his game.

    He looked good. We had a pretty short practice but I thought he looked really good.

    We're not very pretty to watch, but we work really hard. We keep it real simple and that's the only way we give ourselves a chance every night. Also, our goaltending the last month or so has been really good.

    We've played a lot of games in January and up to this point. And we'll play a lot after the break. So it's important for guys to get the rest.

    It's one of those nights, the last couple have been. We make a mistake and it ends up in our net. That's just the bottom line. There's no real reason or rhyme for it. They scored on their good opportunities and we haven't even come close.

    He's your marquee player. He's a guy they can still build around and he's a guy that can still produce in terms of a lot of goals and points when he's healthy.

    It wasn't a very good day for hockey in North America.

    We got into a little bit of a pond hockey game there, and that can get you in trouble.

    It's more positional play now. Before, if you got beat, your first instinct was to grab and hook and in most cases, you were allowed to get away with that, especially when you were short-handed. Now, if you do that, they call it, and you're down five on three. Your body position has to be a lot better.

    They're getting the chance of a lifetime. It's not going to come along like this every year for them, because next year the team might be different. This is their time to show themselves, see what they can do.

    We just got away from our game plan a little bit. I mean, we're working hard. It's not a matter of work ethic. Mistakes we make against really good teams, they end up in our net.

    I think you've got to look at teams like Carolina and the New York Rangers . A year ago nobody expected them to be where are today and all of a sudden they're Stanley Cup contenders, especially Carolina.

    It's been tough and nobody in here's going to lie that it hasn't been a tough year for all of us, not knowing what's going to happen. But we have no part in that, everything in that is out of our control. All we do is play hockey.

    All three goals came on turnovers. They took advantage of us. We've got to find a way to not turn the puck over.

    We threw him to the wolves a little bit early in the year and he lost his confidence a little bit but he went down (to Peoria of the AHL), played really well, and the last couple games he's been outstanding.

    We've got to get back to remember what we did to give us success when we were winning. What gave us success was everybody contributed, it wasn't one or two guys.

    Early in the year where we lost 11 or 12 in a row, there were times when I didn't want to show my face in public. It was frustrating. You feel like you're letting a lot of people down and you expect so much more out of yourself and from the organization.

    That's part of it as you get older, and unrestricted. No offense, I'd trade all of us, too.

    You look at some of how young our forwards are, but they've really stepped to the forefront and made the difference in us winning and losing hockey games. And our goaltending has been out of this world.

    We really battled back for about six weeks there. We didn't expect to make the playoffs but we had a lot of players playing well for next year. And then we got hurt again.

    The hardest thing to do sometimes going down the stretch, especially when we're not going to make the playoffs, is to focus. It's easy to say that we've got nothing to play for. But our young kids have been great, trying hard every night to win.

    The Phoenix game the other night had 27 penalties in it, so that's pretty much the whole game somebody's on the power play. Believe it or not, you almost have got to forget about the score and just try and play the game as best you can with the new rule changes. I know that's hard to think about it that way, but you've got to teach yourself to adjust to the new rules as quickly as possible.

    In my opinion, he's a guy that still has a lot of hockey left to play. When he's healthy, he's still one of the best players in the game. The salary he would be making him makes him very affordable.

    Unfortunately, I'm one of the guys that gets too emotional. So I've got to learn to pull the reins back a little bit. Sometimes I say things I shouldn't say. I'm going to try and get better in that area, not yell at the refs too much.

    I played with Keith in Phoenix when he was pretty heavy and he scored 50 goals. I've seen Keith play at a certain weight and be pretty darn successful.

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