Dan Fink Quotes (7 Quotes)

    I thought we did take a step forward tonight. If we connect on a couple more shot attempts and don't give the ball away at some inopportune times, I think it's a different ball game. We just have to stay positive and try and continue to build some momentum at the end of the season.

    They cut it two points in the second half after an 8-0 run. We showed great composure and built our lead back up to 10 points. I'm very proud of the guys. We were very consistent throughout the game and played a complete game.

    Jake had a great sophomore year. He was the focus of everyone's scouting report, and he was still able to get his looks. He is turning into a complete player as he continues to work hard on his game, and more recognition and team success are in the near future for him.

    It was an excellent high school basketball game. Rhinelander just made a few more plays than we did, but our team played hard. It was an extremely well played game.

    Days like this are meant to excite people, educate people, and bring them together so they can interact with other people, who are like-minded.

    Chris gave us a consistent outside threat and was always willing to take that big shot. He really improved his game off the dribble as the season went on, and did what the team needed for success.

    From a scientific standpoint, we are incredibly unique. There's only a handful of places, globally, that can do research like we do.

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