Dan King Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We hired them before the hurricane hit, and by Wednesday morning (Aug. 31), they had the place locked down. They acted so fast, before the mold could start growing.

    It's going to be an extremely difficult Thanksgiving, but everyone who made it is very thankful.

    I knew it was kind of a long shot, I guess, but it was worth looking into. I guess we'll save that for another day.

    We're not quite as busy as New York. We don't expect people to be working around the clock. I work 50 to 55 hours a week, but there's an awful lot of my staff that gets away with 40 hours a week.

    This is certainly a sector which is affected by news and we're waiting for more good news to come out before these stocks do turn around.

    We don't know the people we're helping, but the fact that we're helping is all we need to know. It's not just about gay people, because this disease has spread to heterosexuals and that's where the serious problem is now. Our passion is for helping people

    In the second half of 1999, we'll clearly see probably 10 to a dozen large Internet companies that are profitable, and, at that point, if some of the smaller companies cannot demonstrate clear progress toward profitability, then you would see the premium going towards those that are profitable and away from those that are not.

    I personally don't see where we're doing anything to jeopardize people's health.

    My hotel is full of people who need to work here but they don't have a home. We've had to shift gears a little bit we're more like a dormitory now.

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